Press Interviews Selected 2009 - 2018
Filmed via long distance computer call: SKYPE.
more info about the festival and project: LINK
Critical text
ARCHEE - Art Médiatheuqes et Cyberculture “Not a Girl Dancing”: Gender, Spectacle and Disembodiment in the work of Loïe Fuller and Freya Olafson' written by Hilary Bergen: LINK
intervue Radio-Canada (En Francais)
During núna (now) Festival
3:30 minutes
Interview Avec Le Téléjounrnal Manitoba - Radio Canada
During WNDX - Festival of Moving Images
1:22 minutes
an excerpt from HYPER_ in this interview for Icelandic National TV show ‘Andri á Flandri’
4:30 minutes
Interview during Plug In ICA Summer Institute
3:30 minutes
Interview (En Francais)
'Envisioning the Practice: Montréal International Symposium on Performing Arts Curation' April 2014
interview RUV - Icelandic NAtional TV
During Sequences Media Arts Festival
ReykjavÃk, Iceland
1:33 minutes
Interview as part of Cluster Festival of Integrated Arts
4:30 minutes
Interview during EMPAC - Experimental Media & Performing Arts Center REsidency
11:30 minutes
Interview CITY TV morning show
as part of WNDX - Festival of Moving Image Interviewed alongside artist Andrew Milne
3:30 minutes
Interview CITY TV morning show
as part of Cinematheque's 40th anniversary
2:00 minutes
Excerpt from rehearsal in process - Greece
as part of Medea Electronique Residency Project
4:00 minutes
"One of the most high-tech and visually stunning shows at the fest, this solo multimedia dance piece from Freya Björg Olafson explores how new biomedical visualization techniques affect our understanding of human bodies.
Beginning by alternating between slow, deliberate movement pieces, and funny CGI projections, the show transforms about halfway through when the audience is prompted to don special 3D chromadepth glasses that, along with a live video loop and projection system, create the effect of Olafson dancing with giant holographic duplicates of herself.
The breathtaking result leads to a journey through layers of the body: a muscle suit brings Vesalius’s famous anatomical illustrations to life, a black-light skeleton suit creates a living X-ray, and a ribbon routine suggests the structures of tiny proteins.
Anyone interested in the intersection of art, science, and technology should check this out, stat. "
SummerWorks Review: HYPER_
by Jordan Bimm, August 10, 2015
Now Magazine, Toronto
"It was a dance which used all these facets to produce a trippy expansion of our periphery. The colours were wild and the movements were full of conviction and strength. You know you’re in for a hell of an experience when you’re handed 3D glasses upon entry."
Posted by Samira
"Freya Olafson’s HYPER_was the most visually arresting production of the festival, with the scrim and 3D glasses adding an uncanny aura to her dancing, even without the duplicating images projected for the show’s climax."
Ten Things we Loved About SummerWorks 2015
by Steve Fisher
August 18, 2015 Torontoist
"I found this exploration (and dissection) of the body’s physique at times funny, sometimes absurd, at time erotic, and always mesmerizing. "