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RECENT Projects:
Performance in a video work by artist Wanda Koop - 2015
more to be announced
The two images above and the one to the right are from a concert called “Eidos” curated by Gordon Fitzell and organized by Groundswell New Music Series. I performed collaborative work with Ken Gergory and Borisa Sabljic
Video Above: 'Begonia' music video. Dir: Becca Blackwood
Choreography: Freya Björg Olafson, all credits here:
'Above image is from a Groundswell concert called Mad Science | Curator: Gordon Fitzell Featuring the Freedman/Houle/Smulovitz Trio
performers: Lori Freedman, clarinets • Viviane Houle, voiceStefan Smulovitz, viola and laptop • Davidian Chorley, alto fluteGilles Fournier, bass • Curtis Nowosad, drums/percussionFreya Björg Olafson, dance • Jeff Presslaf, tromboneThe eXperimental Improv Ensemble (XIE)
Video Below: I assisted Dr. Praba Pilar in the shooting and editing of her work 'Bot I' - 2014
The video above is from a collaboration with ISE after a two week residency with Medea Electronique, October 2013 - Athens, Greece
I created the soundscape for Sarah Anne Johnson work
Asleep in The Forest - 2012 - video below
The Image above and the composition below were from a performance commissioned by and created with Luke Nickel, Canadian composer and performer currently located in the UK finishing his PhD in Composition
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